Sunday, November 9, 2008

Granny's pictures

I was sitting at a table with my grandmother and my Dad and I had this digital camera that my grandmother had given me.  It wasn't a fancy digital camera, an older one really without an LCD screen for some reason, but it had an interchangeable lens I could use when I came over to her house she said which is truly something my grandmother would say with a gift in real life were she still alive.  But sitting there at the table with her I framed a picture of both her and my Dad playing with the zoom feature on the camera and  then my grandmother showed my Dad this piece of paper that someone had given her at church, something else very much like what she would do in real life.  On the piece of paper was a picture of several photographs on her wall.  The pictures were all of people from church, all people she loved dearly.  The pictures were on a wall in her house, just the way I remembered it.  She didn't actually have those photos up in real life but in the dream it was her wall the way I remembered it.  My grandmother was always sharing stuff with my Dad like this.  The piece of paper got passed around to me and I looked at it.  The picture did the same thing DVDs claim to do (I haven't actually seen this but read somewhere that some DVDs have this special feature built in where you can see how the set looked as the particular scene was being shot, a sort of 360-degree panorama I guess), to see a 360-degree panorama of the scene while it was being shot.  I looked at this picture and it had people in it that I go to church with now but it did that 360-degree panorama thing and that showed that my brother had taken the picture when he was in high school.  His hair was just like when he was in high school, tucked up underneath his hat the way he wore it then.  My brother had taken the picture of the pictures on my grandmother's wall.  I woke up crying.  I miss my grandmother.   

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beach house flood

The dream started out with me sleeping on a sidewalk.  I was scared because there had been a shooting like from a nearby balcony.  I was afraid trying to go to sleep that I'd be killed.  But then my brother gets in touch and offers to help.  He says I can stay with him.  He tells me he loves me and gives me a huge hug.  I tell him I love him and hug him back.  Then the dream sort of jumps to a scene at a beach house.  There is a grey-haired man carrying a skull.  He drops it and it cracks.  Everyone there at the beach house sort of sighs, he made a terrible mistake.  But the grey-haired man cracks open the skull and starts to read the inscriptions on the inside of it, the skull, and the inscriptions are sort of like jewels.  Before the skull was dropped and then cracked open you could see part of the inscriptions in the front part of the skull and what it predicted, the message of the inscription, was not good.  The inscriptions referred to the shootings and three or more people were predicted to lose their lives.  But the inscription on the part of the skull revealed by its being cracked open say the shootings will be reversed.  The scene then jumps again to where we are all going to get in a hot tub, all of us there at the beach house, my family I guess.  But then the porch door of the house opens up and my cousin Sherri comes floating in on a wave followed by two giant animals.  The two animals looked like a bear and a cow only they were much bigger and the cow-looking animal had six giant legs.  As it floated by I could see its teats.  My cousin Sherri and these animals floated in and everyone knew the party was ruined.  And imminent danger was present, the flooding.  As I floated out the other side of the house I turned to see my Dad and ask him a question.  I asked him where Ms. Duke was.  He said something but was tied up on some contraption.  It was like villains had him captured and tied up.  In my dream I felt sad to see him that way.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

War scenes and photo

There was a war going on outside and I was a part of it.  And I was shooting a grenade launcher, loading jellybean-shaped red, well, jellybeans I guess into the launcher and firing.  And a few of the first ones hit causing explosions, right on target.  But then the ammunition stopped working, no more explosions, I don't know why, and my enemies were yelling at me telling me I suck.  But eventually we were all sitting around a table dining together.  And we kept referring to my writing and photography work which seemed to be off in the distance somewhere.  It seems like my brother's friend Carlie was there.  But then the dream jumped to a scene where my brother is asleep in a tent.  And Carlie gets in the tent with him and my brother falls under her spell; but not before he collects $11 from her and a sample of her blood, all while he was sleeping somehow.  This scene seemed to be straight out of the movie 'Alexander'.  There was also a segment of dreaming separate from the war scene where my Mom and I have our picture taken by a former photography teacher of mine.  He does portraits of people.  As he finished taking the picture this teacher grabbed my Mom's arm and said, "You sure have a nice leg there".  This part of the dream was separate from the war scene. 

Friday, October 3, 2008

Cash drawer and a kiss

I was working at a roller skating rink and I must've been cleaning floors and mopping when I found a cash drawer sitting on a table, well I guess it was more like an indoor track.  And strangely enough in the dream I had seen the cash drawer sitting there earlier but had forgotten to report it.  But now I stumbled on this mistake, that someone had left the cash drawer sitting out, and I felt it my duty to report it.  So I went to find the manager.  And the manager was a woman.  And she was in her office.  And I told her what was going on.  And at first she acted like someone else had probably done it, one of the shift managers or something.  But when we got to the cash drawer after we walked over to where it was she saw her glasses sitting on the table and realized that she had herself had made the mistake.  But at this point we fell into each other's arms, while she thought about the cash drawer.  And she was just sort of there so I started kissing her on the neck lightly but then she turned to me and kissed me on the mouth.  I felt her kiss me in the dream very much so and then I woke up.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More animals, biting

I had run away from home and was walking along a way almost like how my family has always driven to the beach and my brother joins me and walks with me.  He wasn't necessarily running away himself.  He was really just there to be supportive, to sympathize.  But he had a snake with him, a big snake like a python, and at first I was carrying the snake.  But then he took over.  And I could tell the snake was getting impatient because of the way its head was veered back aggressively, sort of like something I saw once on Animal Planet.  And eventually the snake started to bite my brother.  And at first my brother didn't really seem to mind all that much.  But then the snake's bites started getting to him.  And he sort of keeled over and said, "Oh, he discovered I'm a Dominican.  I'm going to pass out."  And he started to pass out and I rushed to his aid.  And the dream ended.  I remember towards the end of the dream I was feeling pretty guilty and sad about running away from home.  I wanted to go home.  I missed my parents and felt bad for what I had done.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Art store monkeys

First my uncle's drunk friend destroyed my backyard and my truck in a drunk driving situation.  But then I found myself somehow sitting in an art class at a school that was amongst all the rubble from the drunk driving accident.  And the teacher was going over what supplies we needed and doing demonstrations.  I eagerly asked if I could go get my art supplies.  The art store was almost in the same room as the classroom yet still amongst all the rubble.  But I went, to the art store.  And at first I couldn't get my eyes open to shop for supplies.  They were stuck closed. And people were brushing by me and jeering me.  But then I started to see and a little girl swam right by me, just a little girl.  But I made my way through the store.  And I was walking along and all of a sudden I noticed a little tiny monkey in a tree right in front of me.  And I started screaming.  Then the monkey started screaming.  And I could see sharp little teeth in its mouth.  Then all of a sudden there were several of these monkeys and one was crawling across my belly.  The dream ended when someone came up behind me, almost like we were in an aisle there at the store.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dung tea dream

I was hanging out with my brother Richie and we were on a farm.  And my brother knew the guy in charge.  And we were hanging out eating when I realized the guy was trying to get me to drink dung tea, tea made from cow manure.  And I didn't want to drink the tea but the guy kept forcing it.  And he was forcing it by letting his vicious dogs loose on me.  And I mean these were vicious dogs, very vicious dogs; there were two of them.  And I struggled with this at first but then I closed my eyes and all of a sudden I saw these two cowboys come galloping up on horseback to save me, as I closed my eyes.  And somehow I got up the strength to fight back against the dogs.  There was also a scene where we were eating on a giant pile of dung.  That's when I realized what the tea was.  And there was a scene when we were shopping for clothes there on the farm.  And there were some really cool, hip, farm clothes but when I started picking stuff out my brother's friend asked me sarcastically if I was planning on getting into the farming business.  I didn't really answer.  I was passive.